UPS My Choice! WIN a Vacation of your choice!!! $35,000 Value!!!

Sharing is caring!

WOWZA!!!  UPS MyChoice has an AWESOME Giveaway going on right now!  You could win a $35,000 vacation of your choice!  Yeah baby!  I would LOVE to win that one!  Wouldn’t you?!!!

But I “love” UPS MyChoice for a different reason…  I love their free service!

You can get a FREE account with UPS MyChoice!  Why do you NEED this?!  Let me tell you!  I cannot go without UPS MyChoice now!  I am hooked!  Thank goodness it’s free!  Anytime I get a package, UPS sends me a notification ahead of time and tells me the company it comes from, the expected time of delivery and even more details about the package itself!

Here’s an example of a package notification I received:

I just KNOW you will enjoy this free service as much as I do!!!!

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