Lose Fat with Green Smoothies (recipes included)

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Lose Fat with Green Smoothies

Lose Fat with Green Smoothies


Lose fat with green smoothies to get a more appealing and curvy look, that’s the kick I’ve been on lately. I’m trying to fill my diet with rich nutrients that boost the immune system, and this diet is made purely of the most natural vegetables and fruits. Here are some of never-before-told recipes that I have tried and love but don’t just stick to my recipes.  Make some concoctions of your own.  The hardest part is knowing what combinations to use.  I’ve created a fun infographic image that gives you many different combinations.

Start your combinations with one of five different base options for your green smoothie recipe.

  • Almond Milk
  • Rice Milk
  • Green Tea (perfect for weight loss)
  • Coconut Water (perfect for staying hydrated)
  • Water

After you have your base ingredient, then it’s just a matter of adding the greens and veggies you like.  Usually when you mix the veggies with the fruits, you will taste more of the fruit than anything else.  Often times I give my children a green smoothie with pineapple because they can never tell that I put greens in it.  The pineapple is very sweet and overpowering to other fruits and veggies.

Let’s talk about the super chargers you can add to your smoothie recipes.

Flaxseeds have been known to reduce your risk of heart disease, cancer, stroke, and diabetes.  They provide plenty of fiber which I know I don’t get enough of.  It’s easy to add some to my smoothie recipes.

Chia Seeds, although kind of pricey, can add protein, high fiber and plenty of antioxidants to your smoothie.  These seeds expand which also make you feel fuller longer.  Perfect if you are trying to shed a few pounds.  Sometimes I will grab a small handful and eat them raw.  They do get stuck in your teeth which can be a bit annoying.  I mostly add them to my smoothies. I’m a bit frugal so I find that I always buy them on Amazon here: HealthWorks Pesticide and Chemical Free Chia Seeds 2 Pounds.  This item is always on the best seller list too.

The next thing I almost always add to my smoothies is Whey Protein Isolate.  There are tons of different protein powders available but my nutritionist has me on the Whey Protein Isolate because it’s got a very high amount of protein.  This is another product that I find a huge price difference on.  Sometimes I can get what I’m looking for at Costco but mostly I order it from Amazon here.  It’s another one that is always on the best seller list and it’s always a good price.

Spirulina is another super food worth mentioning.  I personally do not like the taste of it but I need the benefits so I take it in a pill form instead of in my smoothie.  Some people don’t mind the taste but not me.  Spirulina can be found at most health food stores without issue.

Maca Root Powder can be put in your smoothies and I actually like the taste of it.  If you don’t, you can get this one in a pill form too.  Maca is important because it’s rich in vitamin B vitamins, C, and E.  It also provides plenty of calcium, zinc, iron, magnesium, phosphorous and amino acids.   Maca relieves menstrual issues and menopause. It alleviates cramps, body pain, hot flashes, anxiety, mood swings, and depression. Beware though, if you are pregnant or lactating you should avoid taking maca.

Green smoothie recipes

Green Smoothie Secret recipe 1

Take a bunch of English spinach along with a handful of parsley and mint. Add a tablespoon of well squeezed lemon juice followed by few celery stalks and lettuce leaves. Add half a cucumber and a knob of ginger (fresh). Blend it together and pour into a glass. Add few cubes of ice and savor the flavor.


Green Smoothie Secret recipe 2

Mix a well-sliced banana and 5 cups of chopped kale with half-a-cup of well churned coconut milk and 2.5 tablespoon of ground flax. Kale is loaded with nutrient content and the sugary taste comes from the creaminess of the banana which is also rich in potassium. Don’t forget to remove the Kale’s stem before using it.


Green Smoothie Secret recipe 3

Combine 3 cups of miner’s lettuce along with half a pint of blueberries and 2 ripe pears. Use about 2.5 cups of water to give it the necessary moisture. Shake well and pour into a glass. For taste add a couple of mangoes which will sweeten up the drink.


Green Smoothie Secret recipe 4

Merge a few leaves of chard along with parsley and celery. Add to it some peaches and 6 apricots and mix well. Also blend half of a vanilla bean to the mixture and add water for consistency. Pour unto a glass cup and sip away with some ice cubes.  It’s simple delicious.


If you enjoyed those recipes, here’s a book worth grabbing:

Green Smoothie Magic – 132+ Delicious Green Smoothie Recipes That Trim And Slim

These recipes are prepared to be drunk any time. But, for best effects, drink the smoothie on an empty stomach. Enjoy your day with a green smoothie and watch the numbers go down on the scale!





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  1. I found the super charger food list to be extremely helpful!!

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