Check out these FREE Soup Recipes! Yummy!

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With the nice change is weather we have had it’s nice to change up my routine in cooking too! I found this super cool website with TONS of FREE Recipes! I’m looking at all the soups that would be awesome for this time of year but they have plenty of other recipes for you to enjoy too!

I found a Pumpkin Soup recipe! It looks scrumptious! Don’t waste that pumpkin this year! Make soup out of it! I let my kids paint our pumpkins so I can still use them!

Oh! I also found this Italian Meatball pasta soup recipe too! YUMMY!

Head over here to see what FREE recipes will inspire your cooking~



  1. I love soup recipes. Thanks for the new ones 🙂

  2. always looking for new recipies…thanks so much!

  3. Kelly Burroughs Crowell says:

    Thanks so much for sharing!! I’m always looking for new soup recipes because her on the shore of Lake MI it gets so cold and during the blizzards soup is always the perfect meal 🙂

  4. Stella Chen says:

    Now I am hungry. 🙂 Yum.

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