Exercise To Lose Fat
Exercise to Lose Fat
Learn some quick and easy ways to exercise to lose fat (that bulging muscle around your waist that you have been ignoring over the past few weeks!). Hopefully you’ve already read our post on losing fat with green smoothie recipes. Belly fat is one of the most disturbing and stubborn excess loose muscles that build easy but refuse to budge. Not anymore! Here are some exercises which when pursued sincerely will get you slim and trim in no time.
• Arm-leg opposite reach: Lie flat on your back. On bending your left knee and placing left foot flat on the mat, reach out to the ceiling with the right leg and left arm. The right rests on the mat. Move your raised arm left and your raised arm right with moving the hip. Complicated right? But repeat this for 10-12 times and once you get the hang of it you will enjoy it.
• Donkey Kickback: Kneel on all fours. Balancing your weight with the left foot toes, kick out your right leg straight. Follow the same for left leg too. Remember to keep your stomach straight and palm flat on the ground.
• V-Hold: Sit with feet on the mat and knees bent. Clasp your thigh (the underside) with your hands and lift your leg straight in the air. Release hands and reach-out to touch your toes. Hold your breath for 5 seconds and release. Repeat this for 3-5 times.
• Swan dive: Lie flat on your stomach. Keep your arms close to your sides and lift your head and feet at the same time, balancing your weight on your stomach muscles. Hold for one count and relax. Do this for 6-8 times.
• Jog: I’m not talking about jog-till-your-feet-falls-out, but rather a more subtle 10 minutes of jogging followed by 5 minutes of less intense exercises and so on.
It is not an easy task to get rid of the long accumulated fat, but exercising is one way to turn it all around.