FREE 1 Year Membership to Savings Club! (Membership = Extra High Value Coupons)!!!

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You don’t want to miss this freebie! Right now is celebrating their 1 year anniversary! They are offering us a FREE 1 year membership! Use Promo Code: BIRTHDAY to get this deal!

Everyone knows you go to to print coupons but you may not know that if you are a member, the savings is much higher because the coupon values will double or even triple in some cases!

(Note: I just signed up myself and a credit card is required. There is a $1 hold on your account and then released. I will post a reminder when our 1 year is coming to an end so we can cancel if we choose to – this is where I take advantage of my online calendar to schedule important things I don’t want to forget)

You have nothing to lose and much to gain! Head over here and grab your free 1 year membership to Savings Club!

Save on my Friends!

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