How to Make A Safe Homemade Mosquito Repellent

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How to Make A Safe Homemade Mosquito Repellent

How to Make A Safe Homemade Mosquito Repellent

For centuries, we have searched for that perfect mosquito repellent as a society. We have used everything from mud to chemicals and everything in between. After all of that, the little monsters still seem to find a way to get at our blood. What if there was a safe, non-toxic way to keep these terrible life sucking insects away for good? What if you also could make it at home for a fraction of the cost of store bought products?

That would be wonderful but the repellent would also need to work. There are many homemade mosquito repellent recipes out there that claim to work but really don’t at all. No….finding a homemade version would be awesome but it would have to be highly effective. Mosquitoes are extremely annoying and only partial success would still be a failure. There is not a whole lot of gray area where bug repellents are concerned.

Well just such a mosquito repellent exists and it is incredibly easy to put together. In fact, the ingredients are so simple it is mind blowing. Just think about all the money that has been poured into dangerous products that actually could harm us…and how much of that money was ours. Then look over the following ingredients list:

You will need:

One sixteen ounce spray bottle (you can pick these up at the Dollar Store)
15 drops of lavender oil
3-4 Tbsp of vanilla extract
1/4 Cup of lemon juice

That is it. Nothing more and nothing less. This solution should be put into the bottle, shaken extremely well and sprayed on like any other mosquito repellent. That is all there is to it. As for the lavender oil drops, you can actually get those in a wonderful essential oils kit that I use all the time. Head on over here for more information on how they work and why I use them.

Despite it being so simple, it is still a very powerful bug spray. Some people apply it particularly to the “warmer” areas of their bodies. These are the areas where we sweat the most. Bugs like to zoom in on those areas.

This mosquito recipe actually has many variations out there but the combination of effectiveness and the wonderful smell are what makes this one stand out to me. The mixture of lavender and vanilla really is quite pleasant and won’t even seem as though it is a bug spray at all. The fact that it repels one of the most annoying creatures on earth is quite the bonus.

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One Comment

  1. How many hours does it work once applied to skin ?

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