Pet Halloween Costume Idea: Giant Spider Dog Costume

Pet Halloween Costume Idea: Giant Spider Dog Costume
Do you dress up your pet for Halloween? I saw the coolest idea this morning on YouTube where a fun and cute dog was dressed into a giant mutant spider dog. You can see this dog jumping on his owner as he’s lying down which makes it look as though he’s attacking him. Very clever SA Wardega! We love it! I found a bunch of Spider Dog Halloween costumes on Amazon too!
Check out the video here:
I have totally been inspired to create something just as clever for my poohbear. He’s the sweetest dog you will ever meet and no one would ever believe he could be a mutant spider! He’s got the color for it. Just look at how adorable he is! Below is a photo from another post about Walgreens Pet Gift Ideas.
Whatcha think? Should I attempt to make a spider costume for my itty bitty poohbear? Or should he be something a bit more innocent?
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