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Sheep Cupcakes Recipe
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Sheep Cupcakes Recipe

Author: Jennifer



  • Melt chocolate in microwave by heating for 30 seconds then stirring and repeating process until it is melted and smooth.
  • Stir in corn syrup until wel mixed. Misture will be grainy.
  • Pour onto plastic wrap and allow to set for several hours (until firm).
  • Break off small pieces of the candy clay mixture and knead to soften.
  • Form each into a flattened cube 3/4" x 3/4" x 1/4" tall.
  • To each of these we will attach ears at the top and using a toothpick we will carve in the mouth and nostril area.
  • Also place candy eyes and press in place.
  • Allow the heads to set for 30 minutes.
  • Store remaining candy clay by sealing in zippered bag and refrigerating.
  • Bake cupcakes according to box directions.
  • Allow to cool.
  • Cream butter and vanilla in a large bowl
  • Slowly add in the powdered sugar, and milk as needed, until everything is incorporated and frosting is right consistency.
  • Beat for 5 minutes to make sure it is fluffy.
  • Ice cupcakes then decorate tops with sheep heads and mini marshmallow to represent wool.