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Skull Cookies

Author: Jennifer



  • Cookie Directions:
  • - Cream the soft butter with the sugar until the combination is smooth not grainy to the touch in a mixing bowl.
  • -Add all 4 eggs at one time...Continue to mix. -Add the vanilla.. Continue mixing.
  • -Sift the four, baking powder, and salt together.
  • -Add the dry mixture to the wet mixture.
  • -Continue mixing to make sure all ingredients are thoroughly blended.
  • -Make the dough into a ball, wrap it in cling wrap completely covering the entire dough ball.
  • -Put in the refrigerator for about 6 hours or overnight. Check to see if the dough is firm.
  • -Preheat oven to 325 degrees.
  • -Pull the cookie dough out of the refrigerator and sit it out to soften up a bit.
  • - Put flour out on the wood cutting board, rub flour on the rolling pin, and work some flour into the batter. (if needed)
  • -Roll the dough out on the cutting board and using the skull cookie cutter begin to make your cookies.
  • -Line the cookie sheet with parchment paper.
  • -Using a metal spatula move the cut skull cookies to the parchment lined cookie sheet.
  • -Bake at 325 degrees for 8 minutes. Check to see if the cookies are thoroughly baked.
  • -Take the skull cookies off of the cookie sheet and put on a wire rack to cool completely. (About 10 minutes).
  • Icing Directions:
  • -Combine all ingredients in a mixing bowl mixing on medium speed for 4 minutes. (except your food coloring)
  • -If icing is not stiff enough add 1/4 C powder sugar.
  • - Divide the icing between 2 bowls. In the first bowl put 2/3 of icing leaving it white.
  • -Add several drops of black gel food coloring in the second bowl of icing (about 1/3). Stir well to mix the color.
  • -Spoon each color of icing into individual frosting bags with a #5 tips. Twist the open end of the bag to push the icing to the tip.
  • Skull cookies:
  • -Outline each of the skull cookies in white then fill the cookies in with the thinner white icing. *
  • - *Squeeze the majority of the icing into a bowl then add 1 tsp of water to this and mix it in. - -- -Leave a small amount of the icing in the frosting bag for later use on the cookies.
  • -Make different shapes for the eyes from circles to one circle and an egg shaped eye.
  • -Outline the shape of the eye first then fill it in,
  • -The nose is an upside down V again outline first to get the basic shape then fill in with black icing,
  • -The mouth is a row of teeth both top and bottom just outlined in black with a black line dividing them length wise.
  • -Allow the cookies to dry from 5-10 hours.